December gifts

As a caregiver, dedicate a child (4 to 12 years old and younger/older siblings from 0 to 17 years old) in the month of October, living in Breda and nearby, by filling in the fields. Wait for our confirmation of registration before committing to parent(s)/caregivers. This is to avoid disappointment.

First name

Last name

I'm employed at the following assistance agency

Email address

Phone number

Are you familiar with this projects procedures?



Did you verify with the parents that help is wanted?



How many children ages 4 to 12 are in the household? Provide firstname, lastname and date of birth for each child.

How many younger or older siblings (up to 16 years)? Provided firstname, lastname and date of birth for each child.

Name parent / guardian

Streetname + housenumber parent / guardian

Zipcode parent / guardian

City parent / guardian

Phone number parent / guardian

Email address parent / guardian

I accept the privacy policy